2011 Colour of the Year!

Pantone reveals ‘the’ color for 2011!

I like it! I love it!

. . . Energizing Honeysuckle Lifts Spirits and Imparts Confidence to Meet Life’s Ongoing Challenges!

Good-bye turquoise wall! Hello Honeysuckle! Actually I won’t have time to splash on a coat of paint for a few weeks, fingers crossed before NYE!

How about you, are you loving the colour for 2011?

14 Comments on “2011 Colour of the Year!

  1. Yes Yes Yes! I love this colour! Very healing and energising. It is one of the colours of my aura and I must have it in my life everyday! Used to be the colour of my kitchen benches the walls were pumkin!. Well…it was the 70’s! A wonderful choice. You will be healthy and happy living in this colour.

  2. This color has been my favorite since I was a child…when it was called magenta..in the crayon box! Can’t wait to make something!!!! Thank you for sharing!

    Katy 🙂

  3. I love the color! :] I don’t understand why it’s called “Honeysuckle,” though. Honeysuckles are yellow (or at least they are here in the US).

  4. I love the Honeysuckle color for your walls. You are really an expert at
    putting colors together. How do you do it? Does it come naturally or
    do you use color charts. I have a very difficult time putting two colors together never mine three or more!! Any tips you can give us would be greatly appreciated.!! Thanks so much for all the vibrant pictures of your work. It is amazing!!

  5. AND it will still match your pretty chair seat covers!

    I heard the provider for the “link your stuff” (iCrochet) is going to start charging for that service now. Is that the one you use? I hope not!

  6. Oh, I almost blogged about this too but figured most of my “fan base (lol)” wouldn’t get my enthusiasm.

    I will trade you a turquoise room for a yellow one. We did this same yellow room in the honeysuckle color years ago when it was my daughter’s room.


  7. Actually I going turquoise this year. But then I’m usually a year behind the latest trends.

  8. I have always been inclined towards reds, so this colour, tho a bit BRIGHT, appeals to me. I am liking the idea of painting a wall that colour in my sewing room!

  9. I think this is going to call for either a white garland or a white fillet picture..

  10. So happy i came across your lovely site today!! I love the new color…and the whole palette for Spring 2011! Such warm inviting colors!! Thanks for doing such beautiful work and being such an inspiration!

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