november :: mystery crochet project :: part 4

It’s time now, to dress our crocheted Christmas Tree and turn it into an ‘Advent Tree’!

Gather some Christmas wrap and I’ve collected an assortment of different sized matchboxes.

Cover the matchboxes simply by wrapping each matchbox with a scrap of Christmas wrap, secure the wrap with a piece of sticky tape at the back of the matchbox.

Next we have to print out some numbers 1 – 24. Chose a snazzy font, and make sure to leave some space around your numbers so that each number can be cut out.

I’ve cut circles, you could cut stars, you could also use fancy scissors to cut out your numbers, creating a decorative edge.

Alternate your numbers on opposite sides of the branches, as shown in the photo below. My youngest child wished to ‘help’ dress the tree, so I’m waiting for him to get home from school today, but I’m sure you get the general idea.

Fill the ‘gift boxes’ with a sweet treat, and place them in each branch. Ta Da! That concludes this month’s mystery crochet project, I hope you’ve enjoyed it!


13 Comments on “november :: mystery crochet project :: part 4

  1. Thanks so much for doing this, I think it will be the first time I’ve finished a homemade advent calender before December 1! I’m almost done with my 11th granny, I’ll be posting about this as soon as I’m finished.

    Thanks again!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a clever idea. I had already began to think about my advent tree for this year and trying to figure out what I was going to do. You solved that me.

    I would be interested in know where you got the different sized matchboxes.

    Again, thanks so much for posting such a wonderful project.

  3. Clever but oh how I’m loving the matchboxes uncovered. Great graphic and since I’m a redhead and so are my kids I love all things redhead!

  4. Am new to your blog and don’t know that I’ll attempt this for Christmas 09 but definitely for next Christmas. I sew more than anything now, but never lost the love for crochet.

    With a grandbaby on the way I guess I need to get back to it.

  5. I picked up the yarn but have not had a chance to start this and here you are done! It is very cute. Since even my grandkids are in college now I don’t really need an advent tree but wonder if this will hold Christmas cards in the bottom and maybe candy canes higher up. Or we do have dogs. Dog treats might be in order. I can see lots of variations on this other than just a very cute decoration! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a great idea, mmmm wonder if i have time for one for each of the grand kids, they would all love it, have one done apart from the boxes, just better get on, thanks again for a great idea.

  7. Hi Sarah,

    I am simply in love with the colours and superb stitches you do. 🙂

  8. mine’s almost done. will post it in flickr. finding something to substitute for the “gifts”…

  9. Pingback: O Christmas Tree « thornberry

  10. What a cute idea. I’m giving mine as a gift to a friend with 3 little ones. The only part I changed was I used small red and green draw string gift bags instead of the boxes. Then I affixed felt numbers to a small round plastic disc that I hole punched and tied the draw string around that.
    We filled each bag with 3 treats and are sending the entire pkg. by overnight mail so they can receive it by the 1st of December.
    Thank you so much for this project!
    Northern California

  11. Hi Love your idea…do you have the pattern for the advent tree? I only saw the l;ast 2 pages on it????? Thank you and have a wonderful holiday.

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