Sarah London


The world is a buzz with the birth of His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

To commemorate the arrival of baby George Alexander Louis I’ve hooked a lovely little crown.

Appliqué it on a sweater, blanket or cushion. Make a string of bunting to celebrate or you could even wear it as a pin!

Commemorative Crocheted Crown | Sarah London

Royal Baby Crown

Ch 13.

1st Row: Work 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, work 1 dc into ea ch across, ch 1 turn.

2nd Row: Work 1 htr into ea dc across, ch 1 turn.

3rd Row: Work 1 dc into ea htr across, turn.

4th Row: Sl st across first 2 sts, * ch 3, miss 1 st, work 1 dc into next st, rep from * 3 times, sl st across remaining last 2 sts, turn.

5th Row: Ch 6, work 1 htr into ch-3 loop, ch 4, work 1 htr into next ch-3 loop, ch 6, work 1 htr into next ch-3 loop, ch 4, work 1 htr into next ch-3 loop, ch 6, sl st into last st, turn.

6th Row: Work 6 dc into ch-6 loop, work 4 dc into ch-4 loop, work 4 dc, ch 3, 4 dc into ch-6 loop, work 4 dc into ch-4 loop, work 6 dc into ch-6 loop.

Fasten off.

The post Commemorative Crocheted Crown appeared first on Sarah London. Click through to interact, leave a comment and continue with the conversation.

Crochet Talk: Stitches

Last week we were talking about crochet terminology. I said that the most important thing to remember is, that even though the terminology may be different, the actual methods of making the stitches are the same.

Below you’ll find simple guidance charts for the most frequently used crochet stitches!

NOTE: The terminology used is Australian | UK.

Slip Stitch | Sarah London

Chain | Sarah London

Double Crochet | Sarah London

Treble | Sarah London

The post Crochet Talk: Stitches appeared first on Sarah London. Click through to interact, leave a comment and continue with the conversation.