Weaving in the Ends

I’ve been asked quite a few times to demonstrate how I weave in my ends, so without further ado here’s my method.

Also remember, inspirational colour palettes can be found everywhere, even via a pair of shoes!

The ‘Lindsay’ striped espadrille wedge by Kate Spade boasts a fun, colourful palette to draw inspiration from for this exercise.

The best advice I can give when it comes to weaving in the ends of your project is DON’T skimp and snip!

After investing your time and money, ensure to go the extra mile and securely weave in the ends. You’ll be disappointed if your project begins to unravel!

You’ll need a large eyed needle and a small pair of sharp scissors.

Firstly, I always work ‘in’ or ‘over’ any tails, securing them as I work.

Applying the rule above, the first ‘tail’ that’s good to simply snip is the one that I’ve worked ‘over’ on the first round, it’s secure so simply snip.

Referring to the image below I weave the next ‘tail’ through three stitches,

and draw through as shown below.

Then I weave the same ‘tail’ through the ‘cluster’ of ‘stitches’ below where I first weaved as shown.

Snip, and the first round of ends are secure!

Next, let’s take care of the red ends. Repeat as before,

Finish with weaving through the adjacent ‘cluster’ of ‘stitches’ as shown in the image below.

DO NOT snip just yet!

Next, weave in the remaining end as shown in the image below.

Gently pull on both ends to adjust the tension then snip!

That’s the way I weave in my ends!

16 Comments on “Weaving in the Ends

  1. Thanks for showing this technique! I’ve always sewn the ends in quite haphazardly, but it makes sense this way – and is probably easier too! Lovely colours as always. Do you have a tutorial for making such a neat edge?

  2. After seeing this, I’m going to make the effort. It will make me even more proud of the piece I’ve

  3. Realmente precioso y tan prolijo!!! Las sandalias soñadas (tengo unas iguales pero negras) Me encantaría tener el patrón del almohadón pero por problemas con la importación a mí no me llega y no uso tarjeta de crédito propia. Un beso desde un Buenos Aires muy frío.

  4. thank you thank you..I have crocheted for years but always get to this and think “what is the best way?” this is perfect!!

  5. Hi Sara, I like this technique very much and definitely plan on using it! Thanks for sharing! I do have a question for you though…How do you keep your granny squares from twisting? They are always so perfect! Can you share with us how to prevent this from happening. I’m sure myself and others would greatly appreciate the advise.

  6. Oooo, thanks for posting this. I usually “over’ weave in my ends “just to be sure”. I really like your explaination and thanks for all the pictures, it makes it some much easier to understand!

  7. Thanks Sarah for taking the time out to post this tutorial – much appreciated – love the cushion!

  8. Thank you! This is much easier, and seems stronger too, than the way I have been doing it all of these years!

  9. Yes, I too have always been a bit random in my sewing-in methods. Thankyou for taking the time to explain this… and I LOVE the Kate Spade colours 🙂

  10. Pingback: Procrastinate No More – Or Weave Me Up Scotty · Crochet | CraftGossip.com

  11. I’ve been crocheting for decades, and this is the best method I’ve seen yet for securing the ends. Thanks!

  12. As one who tends to get a bit OCD about weaving in ends, I love how quick and easy this method seems. Ive got a HUGE (over 800) stack of Granny’s Daughters to tackle, and I think your method will cut my end-weaving time dramatically!

  13. thank you so much for this i seem to be a bit scared of lots of coloured ends

  14. Thanks for the great help ! I shall use your method for sure ! Looks so much easier &more secure !!

  15. Thanks so much for this info! And I just wanted to add that that is the neatest crochet work I have ever seen! It reminds me of when something knitted has been done by a machine rather than by hand! I hope I can someday be that neat! 🙂

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